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Chinese Dance Taster Class

Wednesday 7 November 2018, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Join us to learn Chinese dance with a professional teacher.

Arts of China was established in Manchester in 2011 by dance teacher Susie Lu. In 2018 a Leeds-based dance school for young people was established at Leeds Grammar School in collaboration with Leeds Chinese Community School. Arts of China is now working with the Business Confucius Institute at the University of Leeds to offer dance classes for adults at stage@leeds. Find out more about Arts of China on their website.

艺术中国(Arts of China)成立于2011 年,创办人路晓娓(Susie Lu),总部位于英国 曼彻斯特,2018 年2 月与利兹华人中文学校合作在The Grammar School At Leeds 建立
少儿中国舞培训分部。同年10 月与利兹孔子学院联合开办成人中国舞培训中心,位于 利兹大学内的Stage 剧院。艺术中国致力于传播优秀中国文化,同时为海外侨胞子弟

Classes will take place every Wednesday from 7 November until 12 December. This is a total of 6 sessions. An early bird prices of £60 for all sessions is available to anyone who pays before the second class on 14 November. On a pay-as-you-go basis each session costs £18. Students pay £15 per session with a 15% discount applied.

Download the course information brochure and registration form for all the details.

If you have any questions about the classes you can email Arts of China ( or call them on 07565479823.

More about your teacher 路晓娓 (Susie Lu)

Susie has danced ever since she was a child, and been involved in the dance industry for 20 years. In 1998 she began six years of dance training at Hebei Arts University, entering as the top-placed student in the Hebei Province university entrance exams. While at University she won first prize in the Hebei Dance Competition, was awarded scholarships for specialised classes each year as the top student in her class, and appeared many times on CCTV and Hebei Province TV arts shows.

In 2007 Susie studied abroad in the UK, and established Arts of China in 2011. After her performance of a classical Chinese dance on the Sky 1 TV show "Got to Dance" in 2013 the judges unanimously voted her through to the finals.

Now Susie focusses her efforts on teaching Chinese dance abroad, to teach people about Chinese culture and educate young Chinese people living in the UK.

路晓娓(Susie Lu) 教师/编导/舞蹈演员
自幼习舞,从事舞蹈行业至今已20 余年,对舞蹈有着天生的悟性和灵感,经过努力学 习,1998 年以河北省第一名的成绩考入河北省艺术职业学院舞蹈系,从此开始为期6
年的专业舞蹈学习。在校期间曾获得河北省舞蹈大赛一等奖,每学年都以全班第一名 的成绩获得专业课奖学金,多次参加中国中央电视台以及河北省电视台的文艺晚会演
出。2005 年获得北京青少年文化节“最佳指导教师奖”,2006 年获得“国际高级瑜伽 教练资格证”。2007 年留学英国,随后于2011 年创办艺术中国文化艺术有限公司暨
Arts of China Ltd。在英国期间,2013 年在英国Sky 1 电视台举办的“Got To Dance”舞 蹈大赛上,凭中国古典舞剧目《扇舞丹青》获得三个评委的全票通过进入决赛。如今
致力于在海外传播中国文化,同时培养侨胞子弟,为大家提供一个专业的文化、艺术 交流平台。