Discover Chinese New Year traditions

Join us online after the last day of the Chinese New Year period to learn about Spring Festival traditions with our teachers.
Lantern Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar (that is Friday 26 February this year) and marks the end of traditional Chinese New Year celebrations.
In this online session our Business Confucius Institute teachers will deliver three sessions:
- An introduction to Chinese New Year
- Chinese New Year culinary traditions
- Calligraphy and the characters that appear in Chinese New Year greetings and decorations
One of our previous teachers, Li Yue, will be returning for this session to share videos of her Chinese New Year experience in China. She is recording throughout the festival period and will talk through the traditions using this footage to give you a glimpse into real life in China at this time.
The image on this page shows Li Yue doing a calligraphy demonstration at the Chinese New Year business networking event held in early 2020. Unfortunately we can't be together in-person this time but can still gather online to celebrate and learn more about this important festival in the Chinese calendar.
All welcome! Please register on Eventbrite.